Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On to Chapter 2

In chapter 2 today of my study, it focused on having time alone with God. W efocused on making sure that we take time for god daily whenever that is best for us. I have the hardest time trying to keep a regular time. Im a night owl, and I sure do like to stay up late and get up late. Early mornings just are not for me! She also talks about really getting down to the nuts and bolts of what kind of woman you want to become. Set a goal for what you would lilke to accomplish in a year. Maybe you would like to read 5 Christian books and read through the Bible in a year. Maybe you would like to memorize X amount of scripture. Offer that in in prayer to God. We decide how much and how fast we want to grow. Sounds lilke good advice to me. I like the idea of reading X amount of books. I'm thinking I should make a list of a few and set a date.
For desert tonight I made the kiddos Farmwife Banana Pudding. I got the recipie off of a sneak peek at the book Ruthanne has for sale over at SugarPieFarmhouse. It was delicious! And the kiddos certainly loved it.
What sweet thing did you do to bless your family today?

I shouldnt be awake!

I've been playing around here putting decorations up and sprucing things up a bit 'round here. I really outta be in bed!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So I started a new study..

Hello to anyone out there! And welcome to The Strawberry Patch Farm! I sure do appreciate you dropping by to visit. Truth be told, I dont live on a farm at all, but someday, I would like to. Until then I will just continue to pray and wait on the Lord for those dreams to transpire. Until that time I am busy about His work, making my home as much a haven as I can.
I started a new study today. A Woman After God's Own Heart. The first chapter caught me by suprise as it spoke directly to the place I am in now. It mirrored some of my own thoughts to a tee. I have read the book all ready a few years ago, and decided to skim through it again. I'm glad I did. Elizabeth George is such a wonderful role model for women of faith. I can only hope that through prayer and study I can be that kind of role model for the young women in my life. Truly we must number our days and be mindful of the legacy we will leave to those around us. As women today, I find it so important to surround ourselves with positve role models that focus on our spiritual health and heart. The world is full of so many negative forces , but if you listen closely, you will find many women standing in the gap and encouraging us to be the woman God intended for us to be. It is a wonderful journey full of many blessings. Would you like to come along? Say a simple prayer to God and ask Him to show you. He has a very beautiful plan for you! Another great inspriration to me is Ruthie over at SugarPie Farmhouse. Go on over and check her out. She just published a great new book full of fabulous ideas to bless your home and your family.